Equipment & accessories : Boots
shoes Comp J1
Comfort, practicality, and attention to the specific build of our little champions.
shoes Comp J3
shoes Comp J4
shoes Evo Rental
The Evo is for intermediate skiers who above all want to progress and enjoy themselves. Light and comfortable with an 104mm wide last, it brings beginner skiers along to a more controlled, sporty and enjoyable skill level.
shoes HERO J3
shoes HERO J4
shoes HERO Jr 65
shoes Kelia Rental
The KELIA is one of the lightest women's alpine boots on the market and delivers a comfortable, generous fit for novice skiers. Sensor shells feature a 104mm "wide" fit while retaining the contoured forefoot, strong heel cup and asymmetrical toe box. The new 3-buckle design features an extra-wide cuff buckle and XL power-strap for easy closure.
shoes Pure Confort Rental
Technical excellence, comfort and a feminine design. It’s there in the name!
shoes Pure Pro Rental
shoes Pure Rental
The PURE features the essential boot-fitting elements to ensure high-performance power, precision, and comfort for advanced to intermediate skiers. Featuring a 102mm "medium-wide" last, Pure delivers a forgiving, anatomical fit for supreme comfort, warmth, and support.
shoes Speed Rental
shoes CRUMB
shoes EXP BOA
shoes EXP Lace